“Secret Vendor List”

World-Renowned Designer Finally Reveals Her Highly-Coveted…


“Secret Vendor List”


Secret Vendor List Revised

At Last…Nancy’s Secret for Creating Stunning Wreaths for Fun or Profit is
Finally Out. Find Out Below What it is and How You Can Get Yours…




 PRICE $197.00


Dear Friends,

If you’re looking to design beautiful wreaths for year-round occasions, whether just for fun, to sell in your store or on eBay, or just as gifts for your family and friends, then this information will make a huge difference in your life! Here’s why…For years I started out doing very well selling high-end wreaths on eBay, and now from my website and Etsy.

In fact, my wreaths were often the most expensive and high-quality you could find, and women bought them in droves. One woman paid $450.00 for a wreath and was happy to pay another $250.00 just for shipping! It was the largest wreath I ever made—about 5 feet across—and it went to a woman who had a mountain home in California. She called me when she received it and was thrilled beyond words.

As a world-renowned designer, I’ve honed my wreath-making skills to be top-notch, using only the best ingredients that last a lifetime, and my customers gladly paid full price for them. I say this not to brag, but only to illustrate what is possible designing these exquisite and charming works of art.

And best of all, you can easily do it too! You see, one of a designer’s most closely guarded-secrets is his or her “Supplier or Vendor List” — the exact supplies to get and which vendors to approach. My customers and clients have been begging me for years to release this list. I could never bring myself to release it!  I would be creating my own competition… I just could not make myself do it…. Until now…




Secret Vendor List Revised

For More Information About
This Amazing Book Which Will Help
You Earn Extra Cash With Floral Design


Here, you can read about hundreds of dollars
of FREE bonuses!


Imagine experiencing the thrill and joy of creating you own
beautiful wreaths just like the ones in this video below:

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Do you want unique memorable gifts and treasures for loved ones that last a lifetime?  Or would you like to add creative new pieces to your own store inventory or even sell them on the Internet?  You can certainly learn to make drop-dead gorgeous wreaths and arrangements just as I do.

Can you believe when I bought my business many years ago, I didn’t know how to make beautiful wreaths like this?  Sure, I could already make wreaths, but they paled in comparison to the ones I design now.  I can teach you and encourage you.  I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!  I want to give you ALL of my “Secret Vendors” along with an unbelievable number of tips and secrets. You’ll receive so much in this “Secret Vendor List” that you will be speechless! So, don’t wait – ORDER TODAY!





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In the video above, you’ll find me at one of my FAVORITE “Secret Vendor” locations! I am interviewing the owner of this business as we walk around their facilities giving you just a small glimpse of all of the amazing materials you will find here — and at amazing prices! As we walk around, I point out my personal favorite stems and greens, as well as supplies needed in wreath-making. This is only one of my many vendors I am giving you in my “Secret Vendor List”.

You just CANNOT imaging how much more information you will receive about these vendors, their address, phone numbers and locations! Why, I even add pictures, and screen shots of the exact stems that I order giving you pricing information as well as item numbers. WOW, you actually could run a business with the information I have enclosed, and never have to make a single trip to market, which, although fun, can turn out to be a very expensive proposition!


Now, in the video below, you’ll find me back at my FAVORITE SECRET VENDOR LIST LOCATION… Again!!!  This one was filmed at the beginning of the summer and is the main focus of my latest “Secret Vendor List” update,  you get to walk around with me as I shop for supplies for myself.   I’ll be pointing out to you everything I like, as well as giving you prices and item numbers.

We’ll even discuss DECO MESH!  I believe this vendor has more DECO MESH choices and the best prices of anyone I have EVER seen!  So, with all the information I give you in this video which is close to three hours long, you’ll have everything you need to order and run your business (online or offline).   Even if you cannot visit this location, all you have to do is pick up your phone and order, using my pictures, item numbers, and prices!  Now, how easy is that??

If you think learning to make and sell wreaths is too difficult, costly, or time-consuming, I can show you that this is definitely NOT the case!






 CLICK HERE to Purchase Your Copy of “Secret Vendor List” at This Low Cost Today!