Overcoming Fear
With Confidence & Trust in God Lately in “Best of Nancy”, my Coaching Site, we have been discussing the subjects of “fear” and “confidence”. Fear keeps us from stepping out
With Confidence & Trust in God Lately in “Best of Nancy”, my Coaching Site, we have been discussing the subjects of “fear” and “confidence”. Fear keeps us from stepping out
“Austin’s Story!” By Nancy Alexander Ladybug Wreaths is Hosting a Contest for: A CUSTOM WREATH Designed Especially for ONE LUCKY WINNER! YOU can enter a drawing for a chance
God Answered My Prayer This Morning God blessed me this morning in such a way that I have to share it with you. I have talked before about how fibromyalgia
Ambassador Family for March of Dimes March for Babies We were invited to a luncheon today. For us, and for many other families, it wasn’t just any luncheon – it
“Merry Christmas!” By Nancy Alexander From Steve & Nancy Alexander… Create your own free picture slideshow
I have been receiving emails, comments, and notes from my customers for many years. They are becoming more and more frequent now. They mean so much to me touching my heart and my life in ways I cannot explain – inspiring me to do more, teach more, and film more to help you reach your life goals and dreams. Many of you say that I am an inspiration to you, but, it is just the opposite! YOU are an inspiration to me
Here is the link to the video below as my second Christmas gift to you. I certainly hope you enjoy it. I am going to share with you my husband’s mother’s famous Caramel Cake recipe. She has quite a name as an amazing baker, and everyone on town wants to purchase or be gifted with some of her special cookies, cakes, and banana breads.
“Nancy, Just have to tell you how thrilled I was to openthe package from you to find the wreath (Frosty the Snowman) more beautiful than anticipated!
We presented it to my mother in law who also is raving about it. She had no idea that is wasn’t real and is now lamenting that she threw out the box!
Thank you much – you are very talented and blessed with a very good eye! Happy Holidays to you and yours.”
Pam Dawber (Mindy of “Mork & Mindy”)
(Pam is married to Mark Harmon of NCIS)
Are You Alone in Your Business? I certainly was for many, many years. It is SO much more fun when you have help! Most ‘creativepreneurs’
God Has Been Leading My Steps My Entire Life! Ladies contact me sometimes saying they have tried selling online, but it must not be for
YIPPEE! Newest “Secret Vendor List” Update — Save Money With Revision 4! Note From Nancy We Never Know When God Will Open Another Door!
I know it’s only the middle of January, but it’s not too soon to be thinking about spring. GET READY!! Start looking at flower stems.
Wreath Making Guide
Learn about the tools you must have to get the best results.