Mr & Mrs Snowman Deco Mesh Wreath — Sooo Precious!!
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“Deco Mesh Snowman Christmas Wreath”
This is exciting, trendy & colorful!
Deco Mesh Christmas Snowman wreath!
“Deco Mesh Snowman Christmas Wreath”
- As in ALL of my Instructional Videos, I show you in step-by-step, detailed instructions how YOU can make a wreath just like this one.
- I use a beautiful striped roll of deco mesh. The colors of hot pink, lime green, and aqua and so bright, different, and eye-catching.
- I have used two of the cutest snowmen (a Mr. and Mrs.) that I have ever seen!
- Then we add two ribbons which are tucked in and out with loops, curls and streamers to really make this one have a dramatic look and feel!
- You’ll find curly ques, as well as two different types of glittering filler
- Three garlands of different size Christmas balls drape out of the bow and come out the bottom of the wreath.
- This wreath had a “WOW FACTOR” of at least a 10!!!
- Every single thing I use is filled with metallic, glistening, and glittering threads.
- This Beautiful Wreath can be used as a Christmas and a Winter Wreath!
It is filled with exciting ideas, instructions, and close-up shots of each
and every step so that you can follow along closely with me.
I don’t leave out a single step!
You don’t want to miss this amazing value today!

This is a different type of video than the DVDs you have purchased from me before… Oh, the video is still of excellent quality, of course, and the information you receive in this video is filled with my “very best” ideas.
But, I wanted this video to be accessible to you immediately – which means: No figuring out how to download it to a slow computer No trying to save a huge file on a computer that is already full No trying to download, if you still have dial-up (yes, some do) And, I did not want you to have to order a DVD and then wait to receive it

We have made this process much simpler! And for a limited time, we are able to sell this “high-quality”, detailed, eighty-five minute video at this low price.
I really wanted “DECO MESH Snowman Christmas Door Wreath” to be such an exciting how-to video I could film for you!
Believe me, the oohs and ahhs you receive will be worth well more than this low cost.
Have fun making these Striking, Trendy Wreaths knowing the priceless looks you’ll see on faces of friends and loved ones as they accept your “gifts of kindness”!
These very simple steps will help you purchase this FUN video: Click on the “Add to Cart” button Immediately after your purchase, you will be sent to a page where you will find “your” link for “DECO MESH Snowman Christmas Door Wreath”.
Then…voila…you can click on the link to view your video immediately:
This is a NO-HASSLE LINK…NO-HASSLE VIDEO You will be watching and learning just moments after your purchase. This link is yours only – not to be shared or given away. It is available to you at anytime from any computer. How neat is that?