Bright & Colorful, “Living Wreath, Nancy Style”
“Living Door Wreath”
Living Door Wreath
Filled With Live Flowers Succulent
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These very simple steps will help you purchase this FUN video: Click on the “Add to Cart” button Immediately after your purchase, you will be sent to a page where you will find “your” link for “Living Wreath”. Then…voila…you can click on the link to view your video immediately: This is a NO-HASSLE LINK…NO-HASSLE VIDEO You will be watching and learning just moments after your purchase. This link is yours only – not to be shared or given away. It is available to you at anytime from any computer. How neat is that?
“Living Door Wreath”, Nancy Style
- As in ALL of my Instructional Videos, I show you in step-by-step, detailed instructions how YOU can make a living, one-of-a-kind, door wreath similar to the one above.
- I started with one of our wild birch wreaths (22 inches across), and began to add many loops of honeysuckle vine, clay pots of all sizes, and lots of fresh mosses.
- Follow along with me as I figure out exactly where I would like to place each clay pot, and how to loop my vine around each container so as to hold it in place securely.
- Clay pot shards are also a very important part of this wreath as they create a ‘sort of’ shelf to make sure each heavy clay pot will stay in place for years to come
- In addition to the clay pots, I also figured out a way to use squares of burlap. These are filled with dirt, and tied together as they hold the plant in place. Burlap in a wreath like this one is wonderful, because roots will grow through the burlap and into your wreath. And, since water drains through them easily, it is important to pick the flowers you will use that don’t require a lot of moisture. So far, mine is growing already, and doing exceptionally well. I am THRILLED WITH IT.
- I’m sure if you do an Internet search on Living Wreaths, or Succulent Wreaths, you will never find another made like this one. It is truly a “Ladybug Wreaths” original!!
- If you want this to last for years to come, make sure to use some perennials along with annuals. The perennials will stay green all year long, and new annuals can be planted again every spring. This is truly one that you will enjoy using for years and years.
Above You’ll Find a Sneak Peak From This Amazing 130 minute video!
It is filled with exciting ideas and instructions as well as
close-up shots of each and every step just for you!
I don’t leave out a single step!
Make Sure You Don’t Miss This Amazing Value!

I Guarantee YOU Can Do it!
This is a different type of video than the DVDs you have purchased from me before… Oh, the video is still of excellent quality, of course, and the information you receive in this video is filled with my “very best” ideas. But, I wanted this video to be accessible to you immediately – which means: No figuring out how to download it to a slow computer No trying to save a huge file on a computer that is already full No trying to download, if you still have dial-up (yes, some do) And, I did not want you to have to order a DVD and then wait to receive it.
These very simple steps will help you purchase this FUN video: Click on the “Add to Cart” button Immediately after your purchase, you will be sent to a page where you will find “your” link for “Living Wreath”. Then…voila…you can click on the link to view your video immediately: This is a NO-HASSLE LINK…NO-HASSLE VIDEO You will be watching and learning just moments after your purchase. This link is yours only – not to be shared or given away. It is available to you at anytime from any computer. How neat is that?