Christmas Doesn’t Have to be Your Only Busy
Season if You Prepare for Each Month Ahead of Time!
I can barely believe it myself, but the busy seasons of Thanksgiving & Christmas will soon be over. Are you still completely focused on Christmas? Or have you started looking ahead and thinking about what it will take to keep your business growing after Christmas? Supplies were shipped into my studio a little later than normal this year — wreaths have been designed and are selling out fast. As we complete orders next week, there will be no more Christmas wreaths designed in the Ladybug Wreaths Studio in 2017!
Ordering is easy for me now because I use my very own “My Secret Vendors” VERY popular eBook! This magical and exciting time of year is winding down as I look ahead toward Spring and even summer! What? Did you hear that? Did I just say Spring? Yes, I absolutely, positively did say Spring… and… Summer!
Are you thinking ahead to the new year just yet? Do you even remember what last January and February were like in 2017? Perhaps, if you had taken notes each month — notes that kept track of your best sellers — notes of things that you ran out of quickly — and notes of what not to waste your money and time on in 2018.
Unless you order wholesale and order ahead of time, each season of the year can leave you stranded and in debt. Are you paying too much for your supplies? Or did you put off ordering ahead necessitating that you purchase retail. Oh, I know very well that you can find some amazing florals and other supplies when purchasing retail products that are on sale.
You can use some of these less expensive wholesale stems and bushes to enhance and draw attention to your more expensive retail purchases. I love picking out one nicer, more expensive element and then surrounding it with very pretty as well as inexpensive wholesale items that will definitely show off your design. Are you ordering from one of the great suppliers I talk about in “My Secret Vendors?”
As many of you have experienced, the supplies necessary to create quality wreaths and crafts normally come at a high cost. Even when I first began selling wreaths in the 80’s (showing my age there), I knew finding lower costing supplies was vital for a successful business if you want to make it in the world of online selling. When I started out, I began from scratch. I learned by trial and error which meant I wasted a lot of time and money that I don’t want you to have to waste. I want you to benefit from my own costly mistakes!
After almost three decades of making tens of thousands of floral designs, I now know where to get the absolute lowest prices available for some really pretty and eye-catching florals and greens. In the photo below, I am visiting a dear friend who owns one of my favorite places to shop wholesale. I’m pretty sure I spent over $3,000 that day, but ended with enough supplies that year to carry me through my entire Christmas Season…

Shopping With one of my Favorite Secret Vendors!
For Full Online Access to “My Secret Vendors”,
You’ll receive “My Secret Vendor” (Version #7) Access
Plus Much, Much More for ONLY $19.97 per month!
NOW is always the perfect time to begin purchasing your supplies for the next season, whether you are making them for yourself, for gifts, or to sell. It’s always a good idea to order ahead of time. It’s been my experience that trying to order more of my favorite supplies which have now sold out, isn’t a really good idea. My vendors usually have already sold out too!
When you purchase “My Secret Vendors”, you will notice that you’re spending less to make your wreaths. Whether you use this book to find sources for your hobby or business, you are on your way to success with a reasonable price tag!
You will save time by not having to research these vendors for yourself. The vendors on this list are tried and true wholesale suppliers. You will find the crème de la crème of floral and gift vendors.
It’s a smart idea to join our paid community, “Nancy’s Inner Circle”, for just $19.97 per month right now. Be prepared for spring and summer with the BEST supplies you can get for your money! Let’s all start planning ahead to make the year of 2018 be the VERY BEST ONE YET!
2 Responses
I just found your web-site and fell in love with what i see and i will be back here for more.
Awesome!! So happy to hear that Wanda. We’ll look forward to seeing you in the groups. 🙂