I don’t know about you, but the dark, dreary days of winter get me down! I find myself watching the birds outside my office window and dreaming of spring. I actually can imagine feeling the first warmth of the spring sunshine upon my face…as I did today!
I find myself watching for the budding trees like the Bradford Pears in our front yard which are almost solid white in full bloom.
Daffodils are peeking their heads out of the ground with the prettiest yellow blooms. I think these are my favorite!

Actually, a few years after Steve and I were married, he got up before dawn and walked down the street to pick daffodils out of an empty lot.
When I came into the kitchen that morning, my table was transformed! I was in awe as I looked at the most beautiful, large daffodils in full bloom brightening my table. The thoughts of this, still today, makes my heart smile. I think there may still be one of those pressed somewhere.
For me, being able to dig in the dirt, reviving each and every secret blossom that is hidden beneath the hard, crusty, snow-covered ground is like a ‘treasure hunt’.
I LOVE the smell of dirt! I LOVE the feel of it on my hands, and I LOVE planting flowers in many different colors. If you know me at all by now, then you know I like lots of color. You see it in all my wreaths, you see it in my home, and certainly in my yard!

Want to know what I do when there is snow on the ground, and I’m really ready for spring?
Well, of course… I do the obvious! I make it spring inside! I have throw pillows for spring/summer, and for winter. The first thing I do is switch out these throw pillows — even the ones on my porches!
Yes, I know what you’re thinking… but this is not expensive! Most of my beautiful throw pillows came from yard sales at a few dollars apiece.
This changes the entire feel of our home! Next, I sit out my flower arrangements which look more like spring and summer than the ones that have been out all winter
Of course, it is time for a brand new spring wreath on my front door. And, yes, you certainly can use it for spring and summer! I always do…
I have collected white pottery through the years, so now is the time I pull out a lot of those containers, vases, and pitchers. Line several of them side-by-side on your kitchen window and fill them with clippings of ivy from yours or a neighbor’s yard. Then by spring, your ivy will be rooted. It will be GREAT to mix in with your clay pots of annuals or perennials.
Do you have a tall vase, urn, or container? Fill it with artificial sunflowers. There are many beautiful ones out there at very reasonable prices. This beautiful yellow color brings spring inside even when it is not quite spring outside!
This is a good one! I save all of my really good magazines and go back through them quite often. I have many issues I’ve saved for years.
I go through these looking at the covers and find some that I like lying around on tables, sideboard, coffee tables, etc. I match the covers with the rooms I sometimes put them in. Just look at my bedroom table above. I just love the colors and flowers on the front of this Country Living magazine lying beside some of my yard sale “treasures”.
Oh, and one other thing just came to mind. I pull out all of my gardening and bird books, and display them around. Now, I know if you do all these things in your home, you’ll get spring fever just as I have.
“Ribbons & Bows – New Tips”
I really hope you enjoy this new “Ribbons & Bows” Video!
… as we’re enjoying making gorgeous wreaths in my studio. I would love for you to attend one of our spring classes. They are really filling up fast, so if you are interested, you can go here for more information. Fill out an application, and we’ll talk to you to see if you are a fit for our special workshops. “Enjoy”
Smiles… Nancy
2 Responses
Hi Nancy, I hope this message finds you happy and well. What is the cost for the 2 day classes? Where do you recommend on stays while attending the classes? Exactly where will the classes be held?
Thanks so much,
Hi Catherine,
The cost of a 2 day class is $2,495.00, and I know you would find that it is WELL worth every penny. I have never had a single student who regretted the days they spend here.
I am in Anderson, SC, and the classes are held in my studio.
You can click on this link to find out more information about the classes: http://passionintoprofits.com/workshops/
Sincerely, Nancy