Where is Nancy’s Newsletter?

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Are you receiving Nancy’s newsletter?

For years ladies have been receiving Nancy’s newsletters until recently…

Nancy and I have been working with our email provider (aWeber) to try to figure out subscribers are having trouble getting Nancy’s newsletter.

When I found Nancy’s newsletter in my SPAM folder and it is NOT SPAM! I decided to make a video on how to correct this egregious this error.



Please let us know if this was helpful and if you found your newsletter.

Linda Joseph

20 Responses

    1. Carol, Nancy is always pleased to know she is helping you and encouraging you! Thanks for taking the time to let her know.

      Did you receive the text email with a link to Nancy’s latest newsletter?
      Newsletter #2 (1/17/2014) is online here:

  1. Hello Linda,
    I have been receiving all of the newsletters, but when I read the response from Cathy, I went back and checked for the denim ribbon newsletter and I did not receive that one. The last two I got was on 12/14/13 re: ficus leaves and 1/10/14 re: dried Mushrooms. How can I get the one about the denim ribbon? Thanks so much for all you and Nancy do for all of us. You are truly an inspiration to me.

    1. Jean, We just sent out a text version of the newsletter with a link to the online version of the newsletter.
      Here is the online version of the last newsletter. (Newsletter 2 / Jan 17, 2014)

  2. I would like to know if any of you know where or how I can store my flowers that I use for wreaths. I have a large amount and currently I had PVC pipe cut and put them in round containers. I would like to find something that craft stores use to display they flowers. Help

  3. Thank you for the sending the text. I have not been having trouble getting Nancy’s newsletters, but had not received the email containing the coupon for the denim ribbon in my inbox, as I usually do. When I checked my SPAM folder, I found it there.
    Thank you for the heads up, I really enjoy getting Nancy’s newsletters.

    1. Carla, Thanks for letting us know. Nancy and I want to make sure that you receive her newsletters if you have subscribed!

      We just sent out a text email with a link to the online version of the newsletter.

  4. Linda
    I wanted to let you know that I have been receiving the news letters with the discount coupons. The last one I received was for the denim ribbon. Is that the last one sent out? I want to thank Nancy for the coupons!

    1. Cathy, Thanks for letting us know that you are receiving the newsletters! That is great! The last coupon was for the denim ribbon.

      I will pass on your appreciation to Nancy! We really appreciate the feedback!

  5. Hey Ms. Linda,

    I tried all the steps you’ve given and I can not find my new letter in spam. Thanks please let me know if there is anything else I need to check.

    1. Ms. Angela, Thanks for letting us know! I see that you are using Yahoo. You might want to try the steps listed on this page about ‘white listing’ the emails/newsletters from Nancy.
      Here is the page:

      You will want to white list: info@ladybugwreaths.com and nancy@ladybugwreaths.com

      When we re-send the last newsletter, we will send a text version to help with the delivery.

  6. I have not received your newsletter in a while, thought it was due to holidays…but began wondering as they are gone. Have not seen newsletter in my regular email and not as SPAM

    1. We are working on trying to figure out why some subscribers are not receiving the newsletter. I see that you are using comcast and I am not familiar with their spam filtering.

      When we re-send the newsletter, we will send a text version to help with the delivery.

    1. Linda, Thanks for letting us know that you did get the text email. Not pretty, but at least it is delivered. I think we will be sending 2 emails: the pretty one and the text one with a link to the content.

      Stay tuned…..

    1. Anne, If you have read the comments on this post, several people are having difficulty receiving the newsletters. I believe that we will start sending text versions with a link to the blog post to insure that you don’t miss any great content.

      Will keep you posted as we work through this.

    1. Annmarie, Did you get the text email which sent you to this blog post?

      I just checked again and you are on the list. So the email was sent to you. Nancy’s newsletters are typically
      HTML newsletters. HTML newsletters allow you to have the pretty colors and pictures but they are harder to get

      If you received the text email sending your to this blog post with my video, then you are getting the newsletters.
      So, where are they?
      If they aren’t in the SPAM folder, do you have any filters setup?

      Nancy is going to send another HTML newsletter on Tuesday,,, I think.. I will check back to see if you got it.


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